Sponsors and Trainers

Our Orphans Have Found Angels in Their Lives!

ISR wishes to thank all of our special friends who help our cause. We couldn’t do it without you!

A sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU!

Tailchasers Pet Care Professionals – Palatine, IL

Even the best rescue dog sometimes needs a little help with their training!  That’s why ISR is so grateful for the expertise of trainer Randa Lyn Clark of Tailchasers Incorporated. Randa heads a family-owned business designed to help people discover, develop, and nurture the human and animal bond with their pets. She has helped several of our rescues get ready for life in their new forever homes. If you are looking for an effective and experienced trainer, as well as dog walking and obedience classes, be sure to visit the Tailchasers Incorporated website.

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